Smoke Free Housing

Tenants can breath easy knowing that Shoreside Apartments and Regal Court are Smoke Free Buildings!
Family Self-Sufficiency

Family Self Sufficiency(FSS) Program is a five year HUD program public housing agencies offer to families with a Section 8 voucher. Read More
Public Housing

East Greenwich Housing Authority provides quality housing for low and moderate-income individuals and families. Read More
Section 8 Housing

The East Greenwich Housing Authority also administers Section 8 rental assistance for an additional 130 households. Read More
Welcome to the Housing Authority of the Town of East Greenwich, Rhode Island, where we provide well-maintained, affordable homes for individuals and families comprising a wide range of demographics and needs. The EGHA is a nationally recognized, award winning industry leader, particularly in respect to our innovative resident services initiatives. We are committed to increasing the supply of affordable housing in East Greenwich through both the acquisition and rehab of existing properties and new housing development.
Our administrative offices are located at 146 First Avenue in East Greenwich in a building originally constructed in 1848 as part of the Town Farm. In 2012, the EGHA was a finalist for a national design award following our restoration and expansion of the property.
To contact us:
Administrative Office
146 First Avenue
East Greenwich RI 02818
Phone (401) 885-2610
Fax (401) 885-4166
TDD: (401) 886-8606